Wednesday, April 3, 2019

My Sardai (Natural Energy Drink) Recipe

This post is dedicated to the dear reader who commented on my blog today. I promised I would write something today, so here I am, delivering on that promise right before midnight, albeit a bit forcefully!

Today, I want to share my recipe for sardai with you all. Sardai is basically a natural energy drink, almonds being the star of the show. It is a frothy, cool, and refreshing treat that I think would be a perfect Ramadan (fast approaching!) drink.

After I had my son (exactly 4 months ago tomorrow!), I completely lost my appetite for food for a long time. One of the things that helped me get my strength back was this drink. I totally believe in it as an energy drink as it is chock full of calcium, protein, and healthy fat! It is super filling and fulfilling! :))

Back then, I used to take the easy way out and use store bought almond flour, but now I make it the traditional way. I don't drink it nearly as often anymore, just when I'd like a treat, but I do prefer the taste of making it the "old-fashioned way".

So here it is, how to make sardai! Please note that I have not listed quantities. Honestly, I don't measure my ingredients to make this. The key is to taste as you go and you will eventually learn exactly how you like your drink.

You will need:

  • almonds
  • sugar
  • milk
  • ice
  • cardamom powder (optional)

1. Soak almonds in water overnight.

2. Peel almonds and grind in blender with ice, sugar, and a splash of milk. The milk will help the other ingredients blend more easily. You want to blend for a while until the almonds are ground to your liking. I do like my almonds a bit chunkier as it adds a nice texture to the drink.

3. Add the rest of your milk and blend again to incorporate all of your ingredients. You can add cardamom powder at this stage if you like that flavor. If you don't have cardamom powder, you can make your own at home by removing the seeds from whole cardamoms and grinding them in a food processor.

4. Pour yourself a tall glass of sardai, drink up, and go use up all that energy you just gained!

P.S. I literally just had sardai tonight in place of dinner. It's the perfect meal replacement/dinner+dessert in my PERSONAL OPINION aka I am not a nutritionist, so follow my lead at your own discretion.

Let me know if you're interested in trying this recipe out or what you need that extra kick of energy for in the comments below! I'd love to hear from you! In the meantime, take care!

xo Aneela


Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing two posts in one day. Two posts a week seem sufficient to me. You might like to write more often. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Definitely gonna try it out!!

Aneela Nasir said...

@Anonymous Thank you so much for reading and for the extra push!

xo A

Aneela Nasir said...

@Anonymous Thank you, do let me know how you like it!

xo A