Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hello Again

Oh hello there. Long time no see. I am currently on my way to Chicago and am finally getting around to writing on here because I have absolutely nothing better to be doing. Just kidding, I am supposed to be writing a presentation right now for tomorrow that I should have done last week…if I had any semblance of humanity in me. Guess not, eh?

Anyways, a lot has happened since we last “spoke”. I graduated from university! It still hasn’t really hit me that I won’t be going back to that school when summer is over. It’s actually very bittersweet for me as I really loved my university, my major, and all the students and professors. My entire undergrad experience was amazing and school was my “happy place”. I don’t really know when I will get used to the fact that it’s all over. Obviously, law school is still in the cards for me (God willing), but I have a feeling that nothing will ever compare to the all girls and close knit community of my undergrad yearsL

Also, the morning after graduation, at six in the morning, I left for Guatemala with the non-profit organization, Humanity First for a medical mission in the village of Sumpango. I don’t have it my heart to write about my experience. Hopefully, one day I will do a post on here about it, but my emotions are still very raw and every time I sit down to write about it, I just don’t know quite how to put my thoughts into words. Maybe I will do a post with pictures. I took hundreds of photographs and I think they do a good job of saying what words cannot. I suppose that is why they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Ok ok, onto happier things. To back track a bit, I coordinated a fashion show that took place the Friday before graduation. I won’t bore you to tears with actual process of producing a show, but I will share with you some pictures that I took at the show. We put the show on three times throughout the day and had an attendance of 1,500 people! Unlike last year, this time around, I did not spend a lot of time backstage and was able to photograph all three shows. The photographer we hired even gave me some pointers on my DSLR and went home to get me a monopod and some other supplies. That was very exciting for me because I got to take some amazing shots thanks to him. Yep, no blurry shots were had that fine day ;) Enjoy some favorite shots below!

xoxo Aneela 

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